At the Commitment Dinner, I gave a talk to the team about being compelled, being compelled means to give everything you've got for a cause with no excuses. This is how we are supposed to function on a team, but more importantly, in life. Afterwards, I shared with the kids the story of Dennis Byrd, he is former NFL football player who was paralyzed in a football game while playing for the NY Jets in the 90's. After the doctors told him that he would never walk again, through hard work, perseverance, and commitment, he lives a normal life now and he gave a talk to the NY Jets before their playoff game this year. This is what he told them...
A man has a body, a mind and a spirit. There are times in a mans life when his body will tell him it cannot continue on. There are times in a mans life where his mind will tell him, that the task set for him is too hard for him to accomplish. Those two don't matter, it's a mans will, a mans spirit, in those moments and in those times, that will tell him "you can do it". And it will make the mind and the body follow along and it doesn't have a choice. - Dennis Byrd
It's not always easy to be compelled and to give everything you've got but if your heart/spirit wants it, then the body and the mind will follow and you can get the job done. I hope that these kids will remember this story throughout the season and beyond that.